Super Bowl Commercials...

Posted by Mike at 1:52 AM

Advertisers spent a record $206 million on Super Bowl advertisements. How is that possible? I thought the economy is so bad? Companies are laying people off and asking for bailouts every six seconds. yet, they have $206 million to spend on advertising for 60 second spots?It's amazing how the media and government pick and choose when the economy is good and when it is bad. During the election the economy was a disaster, We didn't know what to do. things were so bad. then Obama got elected and everything was fine. we had money for a party. People traveled to washington DC. They bought hats and buttons and t-shirts. it was good. Then the day after the inauguration things were bad again. everyone was losing their job. people were broke. Companies needed bailouts.Then the Super Bowl came and everything was okay again. people were buying flat screen tv's to watch the game on. They were having parties and companies were spending $206 million on advertising.I'm sick of it! I'm sick of the dual message sent by the media. The point-counterpoint debate on the economy by the government. They all have to decide whether the economy is bad or good. If it is bad tell people it is bad. Tell them not to spend their money on Doritos and pepsi and Budweiser. tell them to save their money for rent and bills because things are going to get worse. if the economy isn't that bad than they should SHUT UP!! Stop scarring people into saving every penny they have under their mattresses.And God forbid if Pepsi, Doritos, Budweiser or anyone who had a commercial last night asks for a freaking bailout in the next 5 years! GOD FOR FREAKING BID!!!!What's next! What's next!! What's next!!!