"Pondering our Post-Petroleum Future" with Michael Ruppert

Posted by Mike at 1:33 AM

Peak Moment 28: Michael Ruppert, publisher of FromTheWilderness, has made connections between money, Peak Oil, and geopolitics for years. He discusses his move to Ashland and offers specific to-do's around money and investment "in light of the imminent collapse of the U.S. economy": invest locally. You can read Michael Ruppert's current thinking at blogspot."Peak Moment: Community Responses for a Changing Energy Future" is an online television series showcasing perspectives and initiatives for local self-reliant living. The half-hour programs feature host Janaia Donaldson's conversations and tours with individuals and communities preparing for accelerating energy decline, climate chaos, and economic uncertainty. Visit tv for dvds with presenters/guests, and to sign up for the Peak Moment newsletter. Info: info@peakmoment.tv.