Posted by Mike at 6:41 AM

!!!OMG!!!!!!Won 1st Place in Kitovraska's AMV "DOGS & WOLVES" Contest , The Emotional (sad) category!!!Eeee So happy !!!Thank you!!2/17/09I have such a big Obsession with this movie!! Soo this is my first AMV with it (I plan to make lots more ^^)"This one is about Chirin & The Wolf King (Toboe, howl , ウォー depends on the dub/sub)'s totlay sick and twisted relationship..Chirin just wants to revenge his mothers murder but ends up loving him as a father...And well you know what happens after that..... so sad :( I pretty much spoiled the whole movie in this vid ... lol BEWARE!!And yeah the eding at the end is awlful I just wanted to make a point!!DISCLAIMER: I DON'T OWN ANY OF THE FOOTAGE OR MUSIC USED FOR THIS VIDEO, ALL MATERIAL IS COPYRIGHTED TO THEIR ORIGINAL OWNERS. MADE FOR FUN, NOT TO PROFIT!!!